No, I’m not dead. I’ve just been very, very busy.
I’ve been working, yes. I also had my sister visit in October.
I’m still on two ALA RBMS committees, and will be going to ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia in less than three weeks.
I’ve been taking Latin at Harvard Extension. While fun and not harder than I can handle, it does require HOURS of studying a week, in addition to the evening spent in class and the commute home.
I’ve been playing a lot of music. In addition to being in multiple community bands, I’m also now on the Board of the Sharon Community Bands and am spending time on that. I was the producer for our last concert.
All in all, it’s been a very busy few months for me. I had to really struggle to finish my Goodreads challenge of 144 books in 2013. I had to resort to listening to an audiobook at 2x speed on the final day!
This isn’t meant to be excuses. Rather, please take it as explanation for my absence. I’m going to try to start writing reviews again. Now that the winter is here, I’ll be indoors more often and feeling snuggly. But who knows. I’m still going to be taking Latin this spring, so that will be quite a bit of time, and I’m planning on applying for jobs once there are more posted.
I hope you’ll all be patient with me as I try to get back into this thing!