Happy Halloween! The day is finally here, although it’s a bit of a letdown where I am. My town cancelled trick or treating until Friday because of the winter storm. There are still lots of houses without power, fallen power lines, and ice and snow on the sidewalks. Still, there’s a Halloween feeling in the air, and I’ve had more than one fun-sized candy bar.
I’m not going to say too much more tonight, since I know you guys probably are partying or handing out candy, or taking the kids out trick or treating. I do want to know how you spent your eve, though. Leave me a comment and tell me what you did, what you wore, what your favorite candy is, what the scariest monster is–anything about your Halloween! I’m not really having a Halloween, so help me live vicariously through you! I especially want to know if you’ve read any good Halloween books.
Wishing you a spooky Halloween!